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My Name in Pinyin is Wenxuan Liu.

I also go by Lillian or Lili.

  • 🎓 M.Ed. Learning Design, Innvovation and Technology from Harvard
  • 🎓 M.S. in Computer Science, specialized in Game Development from USC
  • 🎓 B.Sc. in Computer Science from The University of Manchester
  • 💼 Work in Edtech industry
  • 👩‍🏫 Taught programming, AI and robotics

Current Quest:

Revolutionizing STEM education through:

  1. Tangible Human-Computer Interaction
  2. Learning Data Analytics
  3. Inclusive digital environments with AI

Outside of Work

  • 🧘‍♀️ I am a certified personal trainer (only trained myself and my mom so far).
  • 🏂 I go snowboarding every winter, I am learning freestyle.
  • 🍨 I love making ice cream and experimenting with new flavors.

Let’s Connect!